Thursday, March 31, 2011

Grab your partner man!!!!!

Working out with a partner is so much better than going at it alone.  So I suggest that you ask around to family and friends and get moving.  In my small town we started a 90 day challenge.  Ppl in the neighborhood along with family and friends have all joined in to get healthier in 90 days.  Everyone has picked their own method but the goal for all is the same.

At home my whole family is involved in this new lifestyle change.  I workout with my fiancee and my children workout together.  It helps so much having a partner.  When I don't want to workout he pushes me and vice versa.  I see the same with my children.  When one don't feel up to it the others will give them that needed push.  Working out with a partner also makes the time fly by.  We talk and laugh during the workout, it helps take your mind of the exercise even if its for a few seconds.  Sometimes its those last seconds that you need distracting from to get to through the burn.  Also I enjoy watching his transformation and I hope he enjoys watching mine.  The other day I commented on how he looks as if a sculptor is molding and reshaping his body.  I see him gaining muscle in so many areas and loosing fat in others. 

After P90X my fiancee grabs a few of his friends and they go for an hr long walk, then hit the weight room (mainly bc his friends aren't doing the p90X  and he just wants to be their encourager) to get a little extra weightlifting in with the guys, then he's off to work (he's a barber) After my workout I go to work.  Lol I have been thinking of incorporating walking hopefully next week to help prepare me for my summer goal of running.  I have dreams of running along side Lake Michigan. 

Go out and grab someone and ask them if they are interested in some support.  It will be good for both of you!!!  There's no better gift to share than the gift of health.  You never know you may inspire someone to get up and make a life changing decision to get fit for life.  Know that healthier eating habits and exercise should be a lifestyle change....after all its good for you right?  So until next time:


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