Thursday, March 3, 2011

still at it p90x day 4

Today is day 4 Yoga X day!!!!! It was much needed as I was sore allllllll ova. LOL! Well so far so good.  I was tempted to weight myself today bc I feel so amazing.  I had to have lost something.  I've notice my breathing is better (I have asthma) and I have energy (YES).  Since this is my first phase I am following the Lean program and since I had gone shopping b4 I read the nutrition guide I am not following the recommended nutrition until my next shopping trip.  Great news.....I have even more motivation.  We r starting a 90 day biggest loser type challenge in my neighborhood, so this should be fun.  I can't wait so far $100.00 is on the line, although we don't start until March 15th. So, until then I will be "Bringing it" on my own.

The 1st 4 days was cool. Since I already eat kinda healthy no major alterations to my diet had to b made.  I have noticed an increase in my appetite. Before p90x I would eat one square meal and snack all day long.  I have switched to 5 smaller meals, bc I am so hungry I guess I need to gas the engine so it can run.  U kno the hardest thing for me, so far, as I predicted has been waking up so early in the am.  I am not a morning person nor a night person, I love my sleep!!!!! So 4:30 wake up calls are a struggle.  Its getting easier though.

So day one was Coresynergentics basically he started off strengthening our core to help support all the other workouts that we would have to endure.  The second day was Cardio X, wow what a great workout.  This is really when I cld say that my breathing got better.  More core strengthening with this one as well.  Day 3 shoulders, arms, abs: Lots of weight lifting and floor exercises (core, core, core).  Tony definitely knows how to drive the fact that its basically our core that we need to strengthen b4 we can expect to be strong else where.  Then like I said Yoga today.  An 1 and 30 min total body workout/stretch.  My body LOVED!!! this workout.  I had to run errands yesterday and I so felt stiff and sore all over after this am's workout I am loose as a goose heehee.

I can't wait to weigh in to see my process although its tempting I am going to hold off until next week. I will post any weight or inches lost and fill u n on anything else.  I may also post my meals a little later in case you are interested in what I've been eating these past few days.  Also I am not taking any of the supplements that is suggested, I've been thinking about it but if I do I'll let u know which ones and what i think of them.  And I am not doing any other programs (hybrids) I am going to stick with p90x and then once this round is over I will reevaluate and see whats next.  Well wish we luck on the rest of my journey.  Seems like I'm sticking to it so far.  The longest I have been successful at anything like this has been 1 month so I will be celebrate every week.  I hope you check back for an update soon.  Thanks for reading and remember to brush ur teeth in the shower!!!!

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